Tuesday 28 February 2012


This is my last blog post for DAC0163 Accounting Information System subject, that's mean my final exam is coming.. I will do my revision based on what lecturer teach in class and in my blog post, because this blog post are help to understand better. This blog post also can guide me to know how to used UBS system, as well as lecturer teach.. In additional, there is reason lecturer ask we to do this blogger and give us the topic and post in the blog. I have learn more in this blog, I hope that I can get the good result in this subject. 
         I would like to say "thank you" my lecturer 'Sir Noreffendy' for the teaching and guidance in my DAC0163 subject, helps me to understand better in this subject and also UBS system. I will try to do the best in my Final Exam. I also hope I will have expert skills for UBS system for my future..


State six(6) training approaches under employee training program under system implementation phase.

Virtually any successful system implementation requires that considerable attention be devoted to employee training. In some cases new employees must be hired and trained. In other cases, existing employees must be taught to work with new forms, reports, and procedures.
In many cases it is best to retrain an existing employee. These are several reasons for this:
ü  Recruiting costs relating to hiring a new employee are avoided.
ü  Existing employees are already familiar with the firm’s operation.
ü  Employee morale is often enhanced, especially in cases where the new position would be a promotion for an existing employee.
In addition, a number of training approaches are available to the company, including
Ø  Hiring outside training consultants
Ø  Using training manuals
Ø  Using videotape presentations
Ø  Using audiotape presentations
Ø  Using training seminars
Ø  Using individualized hand-on instruction
Ø  Using computer-assisted training


Step 1: Survey current system
Step 2: Identify information needs
Step 3: Identify systems requirements
Step 4: Systems analysis reports
Phase I: Survey the Present System
Ø  Gain a fundamental understanding of the operational aspects of the system.
Ø  Establish a working relationship with users.
Ø  Collect important data.
Ø  Identify specific problems.
Communication Gap Problem:
System analyst- management
-          Job security
-          Uncertainty
-          Resistance to change
Approaches to Communication Gap:
ü  Get to know as many people involved in the system as soon as possible.
ü  Communicate the benefits of the proposed system.
Sources for gathering facts: Inside & Outside
Analysis of survey findings.
Phase II: Identify Information Needs
v  Identify the manager’s primary job responsibilities.
v  Identify the means by which the manager is evaluated.
v  Identify some of the major problems the manager faces.
v  Identify the means by which the manager evaluates personal output.
Phase III: Identify the Systems Requirements
·         Inputs
·         Outputs
Phase IV: Develop a Systems Analysis Report
What are keys elements of this report?
Ø  A summary of scope and purpose of the analysis project
Ø  A reiteration of the relationship of the project to the overall strategic information systems plan.
Ø  A description of any overall problems in the specific subsystem being studied.
Ø  A summary of the decisions being made and their specific information requirement.
Ø  Specification of system performance requirements.
Ø  An overall cost budget and timetable
Ø  Recommendations for improving the existing system and modifying objectives.


Biometrics for Time and Attendance

There have never been more accurate technologies as helpful to people in search of a way to keep track of group activity as biometric time and attendance technology.  We have been in search of a way to track the way groups and individuals spend their time in various capacities for ages, and the ability to keep track of attendance has implications for the business sector, law enforcement and government as well.
So what is biometrics?  Biometrics takes your unique physical characteristics and uses them for identification of your identity and verification that you are doing something you've been authorized to do.  Your vascular patterns, hand print, finger print, iris patterns, and even your voice can be used to ensure that you are who you say you are, and to let people know that you've been given permission to do whatever it is you're attempting to do.
These technologies allow an employer an unparalleled means of knowing who was doing what, and when they were doing it, and others in charge of large groups the ability to know who is in attendance at any given point in time.  Tracking of time and attendance becomes a breeze.
Time Attendance Biometrics
The simplest application in this sense is for an employee to use an iris scan or thumb print to let an employer's system know when s/he enters and leaves the office.  There will be an automatic log of the hours worked, and when exactly the employee was in attendance.
Even if the employee works offsite, the technology can be used electronically over the internet to ensure that an employee's time is tracked.  The employer can have the system tell not only when the employee was working, but also what they were working on and how long they spent at a given task.
There are also applications for an employer to track an employee's activities when in the office.  The employee may be putting in time at work, but through use of physical identifiers, the employer can tell what the employee was doing at any given point in time, or if the person was accessing business documents with a biometric marker used to open the file rather than a password.
Biometrics can be used to ensure that a given person is where they are supposed to be, accurately.  Whether it be for business or law enforcement, you can make sure someone is inattendance at any given point in time by having them use a hand or thumb print to verify their identity every so often.  A biometric marker cannot be forged or faked in some way.  It becomes much easier to keep track of a prisoner on parole when they must check in at given intervals through the use of unique physical markers.
For people dealing with large groups, I.E. teachers with a class of students, biometrics can be used to mark attendance and ensure that everyone who is supposed to be with the group is accounted for in a fool proof method.
Even the government has found a use for biometric methods of taking attendance.  Some governments are now using physical markers to identify who is voting in elections.  This lets the government know who is attending, and keeps voting fraud to a minimum.  This is important in the days when people are beginning to question the methods of ensuring the validity of election data.
Biometrics technology has advantages for tracking time and attendance not only for the private sector, but also for law enforcement and government.  Whether on or off site, employee activity and attendance can be tracked, as well as their access to secured data.  The task of keeping large groups of people safe and together is made easier through the use of biometrics for identification of individuals.
Keeping time and attendance records have become much easier of late through the advances in the ability to verify and identify individuals through the use of these biometrics suppliers' devices:


Differences between Paper-Based Input System VS Paperless Input System

Paper-Based Input System
Paperless Input System
ü  Inputs to the accounting system that are based on hard written or types source documents.
ü  Transaction are input directly into the computer network and the need for keying in documents iseliminated.
ü  Provide a lower degree of automation.
ü  Provide a higher degree of automation.
ü  Does not involve optical scanner and bar-code merchandised.
ü  Need the use of optical scanner and bar-code merchandised.
ü  Lower degree of control.
ü  Higher degree of control.
ü  Work: In batches.
ü  Does not work in batches.
ü  Time consuming.
ü  Less time consuming.
ü  Data updated regularly.
ü  Data updated instantly.



Disaster risk management is essential to ensure continuity of operations in the event of a catastrophe.
It concerned with:
  • Prevention Planning Disaster
Frequency of Disaster Causes:
Natural disaster                       30%
Deliberate actions                   45%
Human error                            25%
Ø  A large percentage of disasters can be mitigated or avoided.
Ø  A disaster recovery plan must be implemented at the highest levels in the company.
Ø  The first step in developing a disaster recovery plan should be obtaining the support of senior management and setting up a planning committee.

  • Contingency Planning Disaster
Ø  The design of the plan should include three major components.
Ø  What are these components?
v  Assess the company’s critical needs.
v  List priorities for recovery.
v  Establish recovery strategies and procedures.
Ø  A complete set of recovery strategies should take into account the following:
v  Emergency response center
v  Escalation procedures
v  Alternate processing arrangements
v  Personnel relocation and replacements plans
v  Salvage plan
v  Plan for testing and maintaining the system

Thursday 2 February 2012

14th- How does INTRUDERS pose a threat to the Information System?


Anyone who accesses equipment, electronic data, or files without proper authorization is an intruder.
Intruders who attack information systems for fun and challenge are known as hackers.

Other types:

  • Unnoticed Intruders
A hacker might break into and either pilfer or damage the company's Web site.
  • Wiretappers
These lines are vulnerable to wiretapping, which may be done with even inexpensive devices that are capable of performing the task without giving any clues that the wire is being tapped.
  • Piggybackers
With this method,the penetrator intercepts legitimate information and substitutes fraudulent information in its place.
  • Impersonating  Intruders
Individuals who pose as someone else in order to defraud the company.
  • Eavesdroppers
Standard cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) used in common video display units emit electromagnetic interference (EMI) on a frequency capable of being picked up by an ordinary television set.

    13th- Free Topic

    Happy new year (新年乐)

    Spring Festival to the streets in endless streams, a year of hard work people have to get out and enjoy the festive leisure, men and women all face are filled with cheerful smile.
                The color on the street more bright than usual. I saw the flags flying, colorful businessslogans, banners fluttered in the breeze. Only mall entrance hung a red lantern, a quick glance makes my heart warm. Blue sky, a colorful balloons in the sun only shines bright eye-catching. Breeze blowing, the size of the balloon WIND, and nod as if to passersby.
                Mall cheerful scenes of frolic through the bright glass windows and doors, injected into the eyes of passers-by, people can not help with the color of the balloon, import them. Chinese New Year festival of adults, it is the children's festival, children's toys, books, stationerycounter is very lively, the children coming wave of another wave, led away their favorite things, leaving laughter.
               Spring is also the home of the different weekdays, to be posted on the door, "Fu", a mealto firecrackers, fireworks at night to, but also the Chinese New Year party. People who eatmore than usual, parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents all together. Table food moreabundant than before, poultry meat, delicacies are. Eat a meal, we chatted together, chat, drink tea, talk.
                 Spring festival is really happy, I really want every day for the New Year. But think about it,usually no worse than the New Year.